How to get free JTN subscribers

Please fill out the following items and email it back to

●Name of Company
●Company URL
●E-Mail address to subscribe
●What kind of travel arrangements do you deal with?
1) FIT
2) Travel Arrangements tailor-made for wealthy clients
3) Corporate Travel / Group Tours

Meanwhile, it would be helpful if you could additionally fill in the following items, enabling us to provide you with more useful information.

○Please tell us your business performance in the past regarding your specialty of handling overseas destinations and the number of handling overseas travelers

○Please tell us your sales results in the past regarding your travel products in line with destinations in Japan

○Please tell us in detail
1) What kind of travel products in line with destinations in Japan you want to produce and
2) Who will be your targeting clientele to sell your travel products in line with destinations in Japan.

○Did you know Setouchi and Hiroshima? If yes, please tell us of your impression regarding Setouchi and Hiroshima.
